Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tannhäuser Tuesday - Matriarchy Troop Pack


Troops for the Matriarchy are here! This pack of two troops will retail for about twenty bucks and will be out before the end of the year! The Fantasy Flight Games press release includes a bit of new info.

The first trooper is "The Boepripacy Soldat - The army of the Matriarchy is a well-oiled machine, kept in working shape due to the constant vigil kept by the Directorate and the Commissariat. A delicate balance of tradition, zeal, and fear keeps the soldati of the Matriarchy from giving up in the face of their determined enemies. Exceptional soldati, found to be utterly loyal to the gods and unwilling to flee in the face of danger, are made Boepripacy – ammunition soldati. These fearless warriors carry the majority of the ammo for their squadmates, who will do everything in their power to keep the boepripacy alive. The extra ammunition is held in specially locked cases that can only be unlocked by the Boepripacy. Thus, if a Boepripacy dies, the unit cannot hope to last long."

The second trooper is "The Zazigag Soldat - Armed with the Gnev Bogov Ognemet, a flamethrower capable of calling down the judgment of the Slavic gods, the Zazigag Soldati are elite warriors who have distinguished themselves in combat. Only by displaying the utmost faith and loyalty to the Matriarchy may a soldat be trusted with such a devastating weapon.

Attacks with the Gnev Bogov Ognemet bathe their target in agonizing flame, and the weapon’s explosive range is such that anyone standing nearby will likewise be engulfed. Such an attack damages mind at least as much as body, leaving witnesses in a state of shock and terror. It is no wonder, therefore, that Zazigag Soldati are among the most hardened of Matriarchy soldiers. Not only are they accustomed to war’s most horrific sights, but they thrive on them." 
So we get a flamethrower in Tannhäuser! That is awesome. Scorching an entire path will be great - and a little dangerous.

Looking forward to it!


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