The San Diego Convention Center is HUGE - that tented area is in the middle...
There was a blood drive where if you gave blood you were entered to win a Captain America Honda Element.

There was a protest going on when I arrived... Folks mad about the treatment of non-humans by the MNU.

I attended the Hellboy panel with (L-R) Scott Allie (editor), Mike Mignola (creator, artist, writer), and Josh Dysart (BRPD 1946 writer). As is usual with Mike, he didn't give away much, but Hellboy will be travelling to the British Isles to explore the folklore of fairies, and then north where Mike is exploring nordic folklore.
BPRD 1947 was announced with the same writer as 1946 and Mike is excited about exploring the roots of the BPRD and eventually how Hellboy becomes an agent.

An Alex Ross T-Shirt design.

Gerry Anderson prop replicas

I remember this car from the feature, "Thunderbirds are Go!"

The costumed crowd was out in force and sometimes very creative.

Privateer Press was out hyping their upcoming game Monsterpocalypse - A collectable pre-painted minis game of Giant Monster Action!!! I have vowed not to get involved in another game, but dang, that looks fun!