Deep inside Reich Territory, German/Polish scientific genius Doktor Krisztov Moeller works secretly, desperately close to a treatment that would boost animal intelligence. He has been working with primates for years and has made good progress. The trouble is, the treatment also boosts aggression...
Doktor Krisztov Moeller was born July 17, 1925 in Poland, to a Polish mother and a German father. The senior Doktor Moeller, Hans Moeller, was an engineering genius and moved the family to Berlin to work in the Reich's labs. He had made several breakthroughs in mechanical intelligence and automatons. But the discoveries of 1939 in Egypt led the Reich away from science towards the Hermetic and Occult. Hans Moeller's work was shelved and he was let go. Bitter, he took his works in progress and continued on his own, moving his wife and son back to Poland.
The son, Krisztov, proved to be even brighter and more driven than the father. Krisztov specialized in the life sciences and became a surgeon and research scientist, eventually studying the differences between human and animal brains. His research grew more macabre, leading him to transplant portions of human brains (collected by a friend in a local hospital) into primates. The discovery of this research led to his prompt dismissal from the University of Warszawa.
Within a week Krisztov also lost his father to cancer. Krisztov was devastated. But the father left the son his greatest creation, a fully functional automaton and all of his papers and notes. Krisztov's grief was briefly distracted by the robot, learning its secrets. But he soon craved returning to his own work.
Krisztov's lover, Lady Kataryna Fürstenstein, invited him to set up a laboratory to continue his work at her family's ancestral home, Fürstenstein Castle. The place was ideal for its for secrecy and security. While having the RUR 07 clear rubble under the castle, Moeller discovered forgotten catacombs leading to the ruins of an occult temple. Upon reading the arcane texts discovered there, he gained unnatural insight and began combining his newfound Hermetic knowledge with his scientific research.
Moeller has recently begun using himself as a research subject. His love, Lady Fürstenstein is worried, but fully committed to him. Before meeting Moeller, she spent many years in the far east and has hidden skills of her own. She will fight to the death protecting him.

Doktor Krisztov MoellerSpecial Object«Staff of Storms»
Moeller's first discovery in the catacombs beneath Fürstenstein Castle was this ornate staff of great power.
During his action phase, you may choose an adversary located on Moeller's path. A Mental Duel is declared. If Moeller loses, there is no effect. If he wins, you may remove one Disposable Equipment token from the victim's Character Sheet and move it a number of circles (up to Moeller's current Mental Value) away from the victim. The item may not move closer to Moeller and it may not leave the current path. Additionally, while carrying the staff Moeller is immune to the effects of smoke.
Combat Pack«Book of Hermetic Science - The All Seeing Eye of Terror»
The Eye of Terror allows Moeller to see many nearby figures and attack them.
Choose an adversary located on a Path adjacent to Moeller's Path. A Mental Duel is declared. If you win the duel, the target sustains as many wounds as successes, without benefit of a Shock Roll. Moeller may not target figures on his own path. The Eye of Terror may only be used one time per game.
«Shot of Morphine»
The drugs contained in this small metal tube allow instant pain relief when administered.
Whenever you use a Victory Point to heal a wound on Moeller, you can use the Shot of Morphine to heal an additional wound. Alternatively, Moeller may use the Shot of Morphine during his Action Phase to heal two wounds for another character, who must be on an adjacent circle on his Path. (This also costs a Victory Point.) Discard the token after either type of use.
«Mauser C96»
In 43 years of loyal service, the C96, also called the "Conehammer" has undergone several modifications, the most notable being its 9.63mm barrel, its extractor, and its double cartridge bullet case, all of which have been substantial improvements.
Type: Close Combat Weapon • During a Combat Roll, the Mauser’s precision adds a 2-point bonus to the result of each die (except Natural 1s).
Stamina Pack«Book of Hermetic Science - Spontaneous Resurrection»
Moeller performs this ritual every morning. When he remembers...
Discard this token immediately any time Moeller would die. Moeller does not die. Place his Health Indicator on the last row of his Character Sheet. If he has not been activated this Game Turn, he loses his Sequence.
Moeller is a trained doctor and can provide medical aid to himself or others.
Moeller may use his entire Sequence to heal a wound on himself or any other character. You may discard this Token to have Moeller heal up to 2 wounds on himself or on an adjacent friendly figure.
«Mauser C96» - In 43 years of loyal service, the C96, also called the "Conehammer" has undergone several modifications, the most notable being its 9.63mm barrel, its extractor, and its double cartridge bullet case, all of which have been substantial improvements.
Type: Close Combat Weapon • During a Combat Roll, the Mauser’s precision adds a 2-point bonus to the result of each die (except Natural 1s).
Mental Pack«Book of Hermetic Science - Animate Corpse» - The ability to return the dead to life is one of the darkest secrets Moeller discovered in the many eldritch texts in Fürstenstein Castle.
Instead of playing his own Sequence, Moeller may attempt to use Animate Corpse on an adjacent deceased figure token; have a Mental Duel against the dead character's highest Mental Value. If Moeller wins you may immediately return the dead figure to the board and you now control that figure as part of your team. Set the Health Indicator Token to the lowest row. You may play a Sequence with that figure each turn until it is killed again.
When any figure dies, place a character token in the circle they occupied when they died. Animate Corpse can only be used once per game.
«Robotic Repair» - Moeller has learned much about the functions of the R.U.R. 07 from his fathers notes.
Instead of playing his Sequence, if Moeller is adjacent to the RUR 07 Rubble Token, you may swap the token with the RUR 07 figure. The RUR 07's Health Indicator is placed on the last row of his Character Sheet. If it has not had a sequence this Game Turn, it may take one immediately.
«Mauser C96»
In 43 years of loyal service, the C96, also called the "Conehammer" has undergone several modifications, the most notable being its 9.63mm barrel, its extractor, and its double cartridge bullet case, all of which have been substantial improvements.
Type: Close Combat Weapon • During a Combat Roll, the Mauser’s precision adds a 2-point bonus to the result of each die (except Natural 1s).